de Montefort.
Rome was well aware of
the northern baron's envy in regard to the rich lands and cities to the south.
The Pope exploited this envy and used the armies of the northern lords as his
storm troops. The Holy Roman Church gave all on the crusade forgiveness of sins
past and future and the right of ownership of all plunder. In 1209 an army of
some 30.000 knights and foot soldiers from Northern Europe descended like a
whirlwind on the Languedoc. In the war that followed the whole territory was
ravaged. Crops were destroyed, towns and cities were razed, and a whole
population was put to the sword. This was extermination on a vast and terrible
In the town of
Beziers alone, at least 15.000 men women and children were slaughtered
wholesale, many whilst in the sanctuary of the RC churches. An officer, who
asked the representative of the Pope how he might distinguish heretics from
true believers, was told, "Kill them all. God will recognise his
own". This typified the fanatical zeal and bloodlust with which the
atrocities were perpetrated. After Beziers the crusade swept through the whole
of the Languedoc. One after the other, Perpignan, Narbonne, Carcassonne and
Toulouse fell, and where the victors passed they left a trail of blood, death
and carnage in their wake
This war, which lasted
for nearly forty years, is now known as the Albigensian Crusade. By the tine it
was over the Languedoc had been utterly transformed, plunged back into the
barbarity that characterised the rest of Europe, all this vicious cruelty to
crush an idea.
By 1243 all major
Cathar towns and bastions had fallen to the crusaders, except a handful of
remote and isolated strongholds.
Chief among these was
the majestic mountain citadel of Montsegur towering high and steeply above the
surrounding valleys. The Lord of Montsegur was Ramon de Pereille, a staunch
Cathar who drew together the remnants of Cathar resistance for one final stand
against the onslaught. Technically their creed forbade them to bear arms,
though many Parfaits ignored this. Also because of the backing of wealthy
sympathetic landowners, they were able to employ large numbers of mercenaries,
at considerable expense.
During the siege the attackers numbered more
than ten thousand, and with this vast force they tried to surround the entire
mountain to starve out the defenders, but they still lacked sufficient manpower
to make the ring secure. The energies we described earlier had their effect on
the crusaders, many of whom by now were sickened by the endless slaughter of
innocents. There were many gaps left in the ring through which the Cathars were
able to slip to and from, keeping the fortress supplied with food etc.
For two years the
invaders besieged Montsegur. It withstood repeated assaults and maintained
tenacious resistance until the attackers were able to erect a rock-hurling
machine, after hoisting it up the sheer mountainside. With this direct attack
at the ramparts of the fortress, the defenders capitulated. Catharism, at least
ostensibly, ceased to exist in the south of France, although it took a further
100 years of terror tactics by the Holy Roman Inquisition unequalled by the
Nazi Gestapo to finally stamp it out.
series of mysteries surrounds the events and terms negotiated between the two
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